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  • Writer's pictureBreanne Szabados

Celebrating Women’s History Month

March is Women’s History Month, and we wanted to celebrate and recognize this important month. Women’s History Month started in 1987 with Congress announcing the month of March every year as a month to honor and celebrate the incredible contributions that women have made in the United States and recognize their achievements in various fields over the course of history. After doing some research, I was pretty shocked that this has only been in place for the past thirty-five years. The positive impact that women have made in this country is mind-boggling, even if these achievements and contributions are not always drawn attention to. From contributions in the arts and culture (Julia Margaret Cameron, Margaret Mead), literature (Toni Morrison, bell hooks) to gaining the right to vote and influencing needed changes in social justice (Rosa Parks) and our first female vice president (Kamala Harris), women have been at the forefront of some incredible advancements in our country. It seems only fitting that there would be at least a month out of the year to celebrate these ground-breaking accomplishments that have positively impacted the lives we lead today.

If you are interested in some additional information on this month and want to be amazed at all of the contributions women in history have made, the Women’s History Month website is a wealth of information. It’s an eye-opening and necessary exercise to revisit the past achievements of women in our country to truly understand the magnitude of change that has been brought about by their efforts.

Who are some of the women in your life that are your personal heroes and deserve to be celebrated, as well? Our mothers, teachers, mentors, friends, sisters, wives and caregivers all deserve to be celebrated every day for the beauty and the positive impact they make in our lives. They may not receive national attention, but I think it is important to recognize the contributions they make that trickle out into the greater community through their dedication and love.

On March 2nd, The Pharm will be hosting a small celebration to honor the women and femmes of our space and community and introduce our newest class, Ballet Fusion! To join in the celebration, check out our class schedule HERE.

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