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  • Writer's pictureBreanne Szabados

New Moon

New Moon

By Breanne Szabados

Do you follow the moon cycles? Most of us tend to notice when there is a full moon, but I admit that I never really noticed a new moon until I learned the deeper meanings and practices associated with it. A new moon takes place when the moon is between the earth and the sun with the side of the moon that is in shadow facing the Earth. A new moon signals the beginning of a new lunar cycle and brings the promise of new beginnings. The energy of a new moon is the perfect time to set intentions and manifestations for ourselves and any goals, projects or personal changes we would like to see take place in our lives. Do you have any special practices for a new moon?

The new moon has become a favorite time of the lunar cycle for me. Each month, I have a ritual of reflecting on the most recent month and any manifestations from the prior new moon that have come to fruition. It’s always so encouraging to look back at prior intentions and manifestations and acknowledge the beautiful things that have happened, as well as to see which areas still need attention. There is such power in writing down and releasing these desires into the care of the universe. I light a candle and pick an oracle card that helps me set my intentions for the new moon cycle. I like to set intentions for how I want to feel and move through the new lunar cycle. I often find these intentions come to me through practicing a moment of stillness and meditation, focusing on my breath. Then I write down detailed manifestations in a few key areas of my life that I would like to come to fruition. I read them out loud and release them, confident that what is meant to happen will arrive in the perfect timing, as I have an abundance of examples in my life of this. As an avid overthinker, it helps me to acknowledge and release these manifestations. It is a helpful practice to alleviate anxiety and worry around substantial areas in my life.

I have found this start of the lunar cycle to be such a nourishing and uplifting time for me, and this small practice helps me to stay grounded and centered in what is important to me. A quote from Aarona Lea always encourages me and perfectly encapsulates the energy of a new moon for me: “Shift from worry to possibility by relaxing into the sweet knowing that we truly do not know what is ahead.” Isn’t that the truth? It helps me to soften into the sweetness of possibility, believing that what is truly meant for me is always on the way. It may not be in the same shape or form as I think it should be, but it always arrives how and when it is meant to.

This month, The Pharm is hosting a New Moon Yoga Nidra practice with Sarah Aspell on March 31 from 7:30-9:30pm. Join Sarah for this special evening practice of movement, meditation, breathwork and reflection to celebrate the beauty of the new moon and what it can offer us. Sign up here.

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