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Is Yoga for Everyone?

Updated: Aug 11, 2020

How many times have you heard the phrase (or said the phrase), “Oh, Yoga is not for me. I’m just not flexible/strong/athletic enough?”

The truth is, the practice of Yoga is for EVERYONE and EVERY BODY; but unfortunately here in the US and much of what is advertised online is a very narrow and specific set of criteria for being a Yoga Practitioner.

Here at The Pharm, since our doors opened, our mission has been to create a space where people feel comfortable and welcomed; where body size and shape, physical ability and experience, race, culture, creed, gender, sexual orientation, and family status were just simply beautiful pieces of who you are; rather than something shameful, less than, or an obstacle to overcome.

While, it would be arrogant to assume we’d have all of the answers and know exactly how to do this perfectly from the start; we do know that continued inquiry, action, and growth every day is an important part of showing up for our community.

Did you know that currently, one third of our teaching staff holds Accessible Yoga training and certification from Accessible Yoga International? This training is an additional 30+ hours of specific education around teaching Yoga for people with disabilities, people in larger bodies, people with chronic illness, honoring racial and social equity, decolonizing Yoga practices, and teaching truly mixed level classes.

As stated on the Accessible Yoga International website:

“Accessible Yoga believes that all people, regardless of ability or background, deserve equal access to the ancient teachings of yoga, which offer individual empowerment and spiritual awakening. By building a strong network and advocating for a diverse Yoga culture that is inclusive and welcoming, we are sharing Yoga with all.”

This is just one of the small ways in which we try to create an environment that nurtures and supports you along your journey; no matter what that journey looks like.

If you would like to know more about Accessible Yoga, please visit their website at:

If you would like to connect with one of our Accessible Yoga Teachers, please see our class schedule HERE; or visit their websites below: Sarah Aspell

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